If you want something more out of life, but aren’t sure what it is. If you’ve tried to make changes in the past, without success. If you have a specific goal, but don’t know how to achieve it

You CAN get anything you seriously want.

I first discovered the teachings of Bob Proctor through two of my photography mentors. Peter Hurley is featured in a PGI YouTube video and teaches headshot photography worldwide. Tommy Collier grew his headshot photography business to gangbuster levels through Peter’s teaching, then became a PGI Consultant, and now works as Creative Media Director for PGI. I first took Thinking Into Results from Tommy, and have taken numerous other PGI courses since TIR.

I am ready to show you the power a little focused study. An hour a day can make a giant difference. I’m able to help you point yourself in a new direction. A few fundamental changes can make a huge shift in your success. (It did for me.) I’m willing to guide you to new heights! Those who are ready to break free of their limiting paradigms will discover the infinite potential locked inside of them. I am a product of the product and have built my businesses so I can leave corporate America and see clearly toward turning my annual income into my monthly income.

Achieve any goal:

  • Debt elimination
  • Job promotion
  • Weight release
  • Personal relationships
  • A new home
  • Wealth creation
  • Improve health